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Optical Glass Properties

High Resistivity Float Zone Silicon by Topsil

N-type phosphorous doped Silicon approaching 10,000 ohm-cm in 1-1-1 and 1-0-0 orientations up to 100 mm diameter is now available, frequently from stock .

Float zone Silicon from Topsil is in the Galileo spacecraft now orbiting Jupiter; it is in the Hubble Space Telescope in orbit around the Earth; it will be in the Genesis solar wind sampling project.

Valley Design is compiling possibly the most complete stock list of Float Zone Silicon in ingot form, as-cut wafers, etched wafers, lapped, and single and double sided polished wafers.

Total capabilities include prime wafers, monitor wafers, reclaimed wafers, junk wafers, 300 mm wafers, shaped wafers, thin wafers, bonded wafers, CZ and “you-name-it” wafers.

100 mm FZ Silicon, single-side polished coin stacked (100Ø-SSPC)

Lot No. Resistivity (ohm-cm) Thickness-micrometers Quantity
838588-111-N 40-60 381 51
832822-111-N 45-70 525 159
810852-100-N 90-110 315 82
811073-111-N 99-121 480 29
811074-111-N 99-121 480 26
838297-100-N 200-300 525 201
810893-100-N 270-330 400 77
811078-111-N 306-374 830 17
810815-111-N 306-374 830 62
810816-111-N 306-374 830 65
838911-111-N 320-480 381 311
832992-111-N 400-800 508 993
832090-111-N 400-800 508 63
810672-111-N 115-945 500 66

100 mm FZ Silicon, double-side polished prime wafers (100Ø-SSPP)

Lot No. Resistivity (ohm-cm) Thickness-micrometers Quantity
838588-111-N 40-60 378 48
832822-111-N 45-70 522 150
810852-100-N 90-110 312 77
811073-111-N 99-121 497 27
811074-111-N 99-121 477 24
838297-100-N 200-300 523 190
810893-100-N 270-330 397 73
811078-111-N 306-374 827 16
810815-111-N 306-374 827 58
810816-111-N 306-374 827 61
838911-111-N 320-480 378 295
832992-111-N 400-800 505 943
832090-111-N 400-800 505 59
810672-111-N 115-945 497 62

Please note: this is a sample listing of wafers in
We have several thousand kilograms of Silicon in various forms for fast delivery.

Please note: this is a sample listing of wafers in stock. We have several thousand kilograms of Silicon in various forms for fast delivery.

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