Laser Slag Removal Services
Deburring, Chamfering, Blending, and Rounding
Laser slag associated with laser drilled holes is unwanted raised material remaining on the top surface and inside the holes as a result of the lasering process.
This laser slag, on microelectronic substrates, needs to be removed because the loose material can cause metalization adhesion problems especially in Aluminum Nitride.
Laser slag can be and often is removed manually but it is inconsistent, and if properly done, costly. Lapping and polishing only, does not clean out slag from holes.

Our unique process allows laser slag to be removed or deslaged and sharp edges rounded on substrates and laser holes. By various techniques, more material can be removed from one side than from the other, and on substrate edges, it is possible to round one or more edges and leave other edges sharp. The degree of rounding is controllable.
This process can be used to clean slag from either or both sides of lasered parts and to chamfer square or round holes or any shapes. Each of these benefits is available without the usual risks associated with high velocity blasting techniques. This process is adaptable to most materials including 99.6% Alumina Ceramic substrates, AlN, BeO, Fused Silica, Quartz, Glass and various other hard and semi-hard materials.
Informative related Web sites:
www.laserinstitute.org Laser Institute of America.
valleydesign.com Glass and Ceramic wafers and substrates for the electronic, optical and optoelectronic industries.
www.leoma.com Laser and Electro-Optical Manufactures Association.
www.edgepolishing.com Substrate, wafer and die edges shaped, angled and polished to micron tolerances.
https://valleydesign.com/ceramic-substrates/ Precision dicing of all materials for R&D and high volume production.
https://valleydesign.com/silicon-wafers Silicon and other semiconductor materials.
https://valleydesign.com/ultra-thin/ Electro-optical materials thinned to as low as 10 microns.