Anti-reflection (AR) coatings are used to improve the efficiency of an optic by increasing transmission, enhancing contrast and eliminating “ghost” images, which are reflections that travel backwards into the system. When specifying AR coating requirements, specific wavelengths within the IR, VIS and UV ranges must be designated.
Valley offers these AR coatings, and can also supply the substrates for coating. Substrates and wafers of all materials are available from Valley Design, many of which are in stock. From Fused Silica, Glass of all types, Ceramics such as 96% and 99.6% Alumina and Aluminum Nitride, Silicon, Sapphire and more, we can fabricate any standard or custom size and thickness. Tight tolerances and super polished surface finishes are also available.
Come to Valley Design’s World of Precision and Innovation for all your thin-film optical coating requirements.
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