The company has made space application windows for Lockheed 12½” x 2½” x .0035″. Sapphire is an extremely pure material — 99.99% Al2O3 and windows made from Sapphire will wear up to five times longer than Quartz. Sapphire does not react to common industrial products like Hydrofloric, Hydrochloric, or Sulfuric acids, and for biomedical applications, Sapphire is often chosen because it does not react to body fluids.
Offered is a complete line of flat optical pieces as well as lapped, polished and diced substrates, in Ceramic materials, Sapphire, Quartz, Fused Silica and many glasses.
Sapphire related Web sites: Ultra-thin Sapphire wafers and substrates Dicing of Sapphire substrates and wafers
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