Wafers and dice (chips), bumped or un-bumped, can be thinned to almost any thinness (approaching 10 microns).
The process typically starts with an evaluation order for a few prototype wafers or chips. This is absolutely necessary in order to clarify customer’s specifications and requirements and also to optimize a process that will produce highest yield.
For some applications, a slight polish or a few angstrom level polish on the backside of the thinned wafer will reduce stresses, thereby reducing breakage and increase product yields. Dicing prior to thinning is also an option.
Singulated chips also can be thinned and polished to any thickness and tolerance without compromising edge quality. For more information click here.
Additional information on related Web sites:
https://valleydesign.com/ultra-thin/ MEMS and bonded SOI ultra-thin Silicon wafers
https://valleydesign.com/custom-dicing/bonded-wafers/ Dicing bonded silicon wafers
https://valleydesign.com/silicon-wafers/ High purity and resistivity float zone FZ Silicon
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