Ultra-thin sheet glass thinned and polished is available from Valley Design. Standard sheet glass materials can be further lapped and polished to ultra-thin thicknesses, as thin as 10 microns. Surface finish is optically polished 20/10 scratch/dig. Valley can also dice Ultra Thin Sheet Glass to any die size from as small as 0.127mm square. All of these sheet glass materials are available in the ultra-thin thicknesses listed below: Borofloat glass, B270 glass, D263 glass, Eagle XG glass, Corning Gorilla glass, Schott Supremax glass and Schott Xensation glass.
Standard Delivery approximately 2½ weeks. Please call or e-mail for details (pricing and availability may be subject to change).
Item # |
Geometry |
Thickness |
ULT-101 | 1cm square | 20um thick |
ULT-102 | 1cm square | 25um thick |
ULT-103 | 1" square | 50um thick |
ULT-104 | 1" diameter | 50um thick |
ULT-105 | 1" square | 75um thick |
ULT-106 | 1" diameter | 75um thick |
ULT-107 | 1" square | 100um thick |
ULT-108 | 1" diameter | 100um thick |
ULT-109 | 1" square | 125um thick |
ULT-110 | 1" diameter | 125um thick |
Check out our Ultra-Thin range for thin precision optical glass materials.