Ultra-thin polished Fused Quartz wafers, discs and substrates are fabricated from raw material including GE124, Momentive i21, Tosoh Quartz and Heraeus. In 10mm square size, Fused Quartz can be polished to as thin as 10-15 microns thick. Valley laps, polishes, dices and CNC machines fused quartz, and can provide any size, standard or custom.
The manufacturing process to create Fused Quartz, is comprised of electrically fusing or gas/oxygen flame fusing natural Quartz powders. Some desirable material characteristics of Fused Quartz include good transmission from the near UV to the near IR spectrum, low coefficient of expansion (CTE), wide operating temperature range, high resistance to shock and corrosion, and excellent electrical insulation properties. Fused Quartz and Fused Silica are many times used interchangeably, however, Fused Quartz has less transmission in the UV spectrum, and a lower OH (water) content which may impact some optical applications. Bubble class or inclusions also need to be considered.
Fused Quartz can be used for many applications such as viewport windows and pressure windows, optical component mirrors, test flats and standard optical components for the semiconductor, telecommunications, medical and photonic industries.
Fused Quartz wafers 3″(75 mm) diameter, 4″(100 mm) diameter, 125mm diameter, 150mm diameter, 200mm diameter and 300mm diameter are readily available in standard thicknesses such as .5mm, 1mm and 1.5mm thick. They can also be thinned and polished to any custom thickness. Typical surface finish is 20/10 scratch/dig, but a finer optical polish as low as 10/5 scratch/dig, < 7 Angstroms is also available.
Valley also stocks a large quantity of Fused Silica wafers, substrates, discs and windows in a wide variety of sizes. Single crystal quartz is also available.