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Orange Sharp Cut Filters

Orange sharp cut filters

Orange glass sharp cut filters are designated as 0 530, 0 540, 0 550, 0 565 and 0 580.

O 530 is equivalent to Schott OG 530 and Hoya –
O 540 is equivalent to Schott and Hoya O-54
O 550 is equivalent to Schott OG 550 and Hoya –
O 565 is equivalent to Schott OG 570 and Hoya O-56
O 580 is equivalent to Schott OG 590 and Hoya O-58

Contact Valley Design for all your color glass applications.

Red Sharp Cut Filters

Red sharp cut glass color filters

Red glass sharp cut filters available are R 600, R 610, R 630, R 640, R 650, R 670, R 700, R 720

R 600 is equivalent to Schott and Hoya R-60
R 610 is equivalent to Schott RG 610 and Hoya –
R 630 is equivalent to Schott RG 630 and Hoya R-62
R 640 is equivalent to Schott RG 645 and Hoya R-64
R 650 is equivalent to Schott and Hoya R-66
R 670 is equivalent to Schott RG 665 and Hoya –
R 700 is equivalent to Schott RG 695 and Hoya R-70
R 720 is equivalent to Schott RG 715 and Hoya R-72

Valley Design is available for red glass filter applications from research and development through prototype and production.

Blue Colored Filter Glass

For blue color filter glass cross-referenced to Schott and Hoya, click here.

For blue spectrum filter glass transmission curves, click here.

Click here for all color filter glass specifications and transmission curves.

Contact Valley Design for blue filters from research and development through to prototype and production stages.

Wavelength Calibrated

Didymium wavelength calibrating filter
Wavelength calibrated filters are designated as WL 01.
WL 01 is equivalent to Schott BG 20 and Hoya V-10


FZ Polished

100 mm Polished FZ Silicon Wafers from Stock

Lot No. Resistivity (ohm-cm) Thickness-micrometers Quantity
838588-111-N 40-60 381 51
810852-100-N 90-110 315 82
811073-111-N 99-121 480 29
811074-111-N 99-121 480 26
838297-100-N 200-300 525 202
810893-100-N 270-330 400 71
811078-111-N 306-374 830 14
810815-111-N 306-374 830 62
810816-111-N 306-374 830 65
838911-111-N 320-480 381 304
832992-111-N 400-800 508 1027
832090-111-N 400-800 508 12
810672-111-N 115-945 500 6
832089-111-N 10
832929-111-N 7
Various 40+ ohm/sq. .025 2082

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UV, VIS, IR Black Coatings

Please click on the following links for further technical details and specifications on these special black coatings:

Wafer Coating

Key features of black optical coatings include:

  • Very low reflectivity coatings
  • Tailorable electrical resistivity – conductor or insulator
  • Etching or lift-off technology
  • 3 micron feature size
  • Virtually any substrate material – silicon, glass, ceramic, etc.
  • No particulation
  • Compatibility with lithographic process chemicals
  • Vacuum, cryogenic and clean room compatible

For a listing of all optical black coating types, click here.

Stainless Steel Wafers

Stainless Steel wafers and substrates may be used for various applications such as solar cells, thick film circuitry, heaters, and for many R&D and medical applications. SS wafers are available in standard SEMI diameters with various finishes ranging from a few Angstroms to rough machined surfaces, and in all thicknesses from as thin as 25um up to large thick vacuum chucks. Standard wafer thicknesses are 50um, 125um, 250um, 500um, 1mm and thicker.

Commonly available surface finishes for these Stainless Steel wafers and substrates include:

  • As-machined
  • Abrasive lapped
  • Diamond lapped
  • Buffed
  • Fine buffed
  • Polished
  • Fine polished
  • Optically polished

Stainless Steel grades commonly available are 304SS, 316SS and 430SS. Depending on the required surface finish, 304SS wafers are stocked in evaluation quantities. 316 Stainless Steel wafers contain molybdenum, and as such, have excellent corrosion resistance. When specifying SS wafers from Valley, please provide your specifications for geometry, thickness, thickness tolerance, total thickness variation, flatness and surface finish required. Please call or e-mail for more details, or for a quotation per your specifications.

For metal optics requirements, please go to

Stainless Steel Surface Finish Data

Return to Home Page: Stainless steel substrates, wafers and optics

Solar Cells

Polycrystalline silicon solar cells and GIGS2 solar cells have the potential for achieving higher conversion efficiencies and because large scale deposition techniques can be utilized, cost projections are that these solar cells can be several times less expensive than presently manufactured crystalline multijunction solar cells.

Advantages of thin film solar cells on stainless steel:

  • Light weight
  • Durable
  • Flexible
  • Possible roll to roll thin film deposition
  • High radiation tolerance

304SS, 316SS and 430SS stainless steels are used as substrate material for thin film solar cells and can be obtained from Valley Design.

Please call or email for a quotation to meet your requirements.

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304 Properties

As steel is heated above critical temperature (approx. 1335 F) it undergoes a phase change, recrystallizing as austenite. Continued heating to approx. 1450 – 1500F assures complete conversion to austenite. The high chrome and nickel content of austenitic stainless steel suppresses the transformation on cooling to a ferrite/cementite, keeping the material fully austenite, as well as rendering it essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition. This gives austenitic stainless steels excellent cryogenic properties, good high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. Excellent corrosion resistance, non-magnetic properties and exceptionally high toughness at all temperatures make these steels suitable for a wide variety of applications.

Physical Properties of 304 SS Wafers and Foils

Density: 7.90 g/cu cm 0.285 lbs/cu in
Melting Point: 1.399 – 1421 C 2550 – 2590 F
Specific Gravity: 7.90

Electrical Resistivity

Temperature 10-6 ohm-cm 10-6 ohm-in
20 68 72 28.3
100 212 78 30.7
200 392 86 33.8
400 752 100 39.4
600 1112 111 437
800 1472 121 47.6
900 1652 126 49.6

Thermal Conductivity

Temperature W/mK Btu/hr.ft.F
100 212 16.3 9.4
500 932 21.4 12.4

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Temperature cm/cm/C 10-6 in/in/F 10-6
0-100 32-212 9.6
0-316 32-600 9.9
0-538 32-1000 10.2
0-649 32-1200 10.4

Magnetic Permeability

Percent Cold Work 304 SS 304 L SS
Annealed 1.005 1.015
1/4 Hard 1.009 1.064
1/2 Hard 1.163 3.235
Full Hard 2.291 8.480

Hardness, Max.

Property 304 SS 304 L SS
Brinell 201 201
Rb 92 92


Tensile and Yield Strength

Alloy Temper Tensile Stength Minimum (PSC) Yield Strength Minimum 0.2% offset
304 Annealed 75,000 30,000
304 1/4 Hard 125,000 75,000
304 1/2 Hard 150,000 110,000
304 Full Hard 185,000 140,000

Modulus of Elasticity, Annealed: 29,000 KSI


Type 304 Stainless Steel Chemnistry % by Weight

C   0.08% Max. Mn   20% Max. P   0.045%
Cu   0.75% Max Mo   0.75% Max. S   0.05%
Cr   18-20% N   0.10% Max. Si   1.00% Max.
Fe   Balance Ni   8-10.5% Max.

Carbon Content

Grade Typical Carbon Content
304 L Low Carbon 0.03% Max.
304 Medium Carbon 0.08% Max.
304 H High Carbon 0.10% Max.

The lower carbon in Type 304 L has lower corrosion rate than the higher carbon type 304 alloy when exposed to formic acid, sulfuric acid and Sodium Hydroxide.

Stainless Steel Surface Finish Data

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