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Optical Glass Properties

Red Optical Filter Glass from Stock

Red filter glass acts as a longpass filter in which light of long wavelength can pass through. Red filter glass blocks yellow, green, blue and UV light and passes all other wavelengths. Red filters are also called red sharp cut filters as they have a sharp transition from reflection to transmission making them ideal for various applications including digital imaging. Red longpass filters may also be used with monochrome cameras to increase contrast and resolution.

View red spectrum filter glass transmission curves

Red color filter glass from stock comes standard 50mm square x 1mm, 2mm and 3mm thick, standard transparent finish 60/40 scratch/dig. Availability of product is subject to change based on current in stock inventory.

Please call or email us us for a quote.

Item# Red Filters Schott (equiv) Hoya (equiv) Geometry Thickness
 FG-R600-1 R-60 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R600-2 R-60 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R600-3 R-60 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R610-1 RG 610 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R610-2 RG 610 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R610-3 RG 610 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R630-1 RG 630 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R630-2 RG 630 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R630-3 RG 630 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R640-1 RG 645 R-64 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R640-2 RG 645 R-64 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R640-3 RG 645 R-64 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R650-1 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R650-2 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R650-3 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R670-1 RG 665 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R670-2 RG 665 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R670-3 RG 665 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R700-1 RG 695 R-70 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R700-2 RG 695 R-70 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R700-3 RG 695 R-70 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R720-1 RG 715 R-72 50mm x 50mm 1mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R720-2 RG 715 R-72 50mm x 50mm 2mm+/- .1mm
 FG-R720-3 RG 715 R-72 50mm x 50mm 3mm+/- .1mm