Search Result

FZ Dspp


Item # Resistivity   Quantity
(ohm/cm) Inches
647 90-110 .0124″ 67
651 270-330 .0157″ 54
650 200-300 .021″ 13


Item # Orientation Resistivity Thickness Quantity Condition
(ohm/cm) Microns Inches
1789 FZ(1-1-1)N 800-900 330 .013″ 24 Polished both sides
1173 FZ(1-1-1)N 46-60 330 .013″ 99 Polished both sides
1174 FZ(1-1-1)N 300 470 .0186″ 52 Polished both sides
1175 FZ(1-1-1)N >234 635±50 .025″ 1974 Polished both sides

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Fused Silica

Key properties of Fused Silica (SiO2) include near zero thermal expansion, very good thermal shock resistance and chemical inertness, low dielectric constant and dielectric loss, and excellent transmission in the UV and visible ranges. These properties make polished Fused Silica wafers and substrates ideal for thermal imaging, microlithography, Excimer and Nd: YAG laser applications. Lenses and windows of Fused Silica are also used in highly variable temperature environments as well as for microwave and millimeter wave components.

Valley Design is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified company, supplying lapping, thinning, polishing, wafering, and dicing services for optics, photonics, semiconductor, aerospace and medical industries. Valley manufactures wafers, windows, substrates and other flat electro and electro-optical components. Sapphire, Quartz, Silicon, Aluminas, Glass, and many other materials processed.

Other products offered by Valley Design:

Metal Optics –
Stainless Steel Wafers –
Metal Mirrors –

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Dicing Chucks

Vacuum chuck repair service is now available from Valley and can accommodate chucks from 1″ to 48″. Vacuum chucks, for lithographic and precision dicing applications are manufactured to extreme limits of flatness, parallelism, thickness tolerance and surface finish. The surface condition of chucks is extremely important for wafer reference throughout the critical processing and alignment in various fabrication processes.

In dicing operation, chucks are easily damaged. Harsh environment, continuous use, accidents-all contribute to dicing chuck damage. Most vacuum chucks can be restored to the original or an even tighter tolerance condition. Depending on size, flatness is possible to ¼ wave, parallelism to 50 millionths of an inch, thickness tolerance usually to 0.001″ or tighter and surfaces polished to mirror finish when required.

Pricing, depending on quantity, specifications and size is usually in the $400 to $800 range, but slightly more for chucks with damaged porous inserts. When equipment is down because of a faulty chuck, Valley will help keep downtime to a minimum.

Valley also laps and polishes new chucks of all types and sizes.

Lapping, polishing and repair of Silicon wafer dicing chucks Web sites: Disco wafer and substrate dicing chucks vacuum chucks repaired for wafer dicing and litography

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  • Double side polished wafers to TTV < 1 micron
  • Silicon, Germanium, Gallium Arsenide, Gallium Phosphide, wafer shaping
  • Slicing to 5″ diameter
  • Wafer edge grinding
  • Lapping to 300 mm diameter wafers
  • Wafer backgrinding, lapping, polishing
  • Dicing to 6″ diameter
  • Optical grade materials from stock
  • Cylindrical grinding
  • Wafer thinning
  • Flattening
  • Complex wafer shaping
  • Surface flat orientation
  • Testing for type and resistivity
  • Downsizing
  • Process development and R & D

Request a quotation for all your backgrinding, polishing and special semiconductor material shaping needs!

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Silicon is the most economical IR material available. For optical use, Silicon is produced by the CZ crystal growth method or by the float zone growth method. Both P-type and N-type are acceptable for IR optics provided that they offer transmission greater than 50% in the 1.5 to 6 micron wavelength.

For N-type Silicon, typically the resistivity should be greater than 20 ohm-cm and, for P-type, greater than 40 ohm-cm. For use in the near IR, this is not so critical, but for applications for the far IR, resistivity can be critical. Float Zone Silicon most always meets criteria for optical use. 3″ diameter Silicon is available up to 10,000 ohm-cm from Stock.

Inventory consists of Silicon in various forms and sizes in <1·1·1> and <1·0·0> orientation, N and P-type, 1″, 2″, 3″, 100 mm, and odd sizes on special orders. With this large quantity of Silicon to choose from and in-house shaping and polishing capabilities, Valley Design will assuredly meet your optical grade Silicon needs on short notice.

When requesting a quote or to check our stock , please provide us with the following information: Quantity, wafer diameter, thickness, type, orientation <1·1·1> or <1·0·0>, resistivity range, TTV (if important), surface finish, edge condition (if applicable), orientation flat specification, other important information.

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Cmp Soi

It takes the right equipment, the right process, and trained personnel.

The company is ISO certified and has been custom polishing semiconductor and optical materials for over 25 years.

We have the right processes and trained personnel.

Please note that we can also polish all your semiconductor wafers. We are polishing people making and using polishing machines.

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Wafer Chucks

  • Vacuum chucks of all sizes and design
  • Dicing chucks
  • Flat panel display chucks
  • Chucks with porous inserts
  • Reference chucks flat to 1/4 light band
  • Chucks for cleaning
  • Chucks for doping
  • Chucks for polishing
  • Low contact wafer chucks
  • Pin chucks
  • Ring chucks

Flatness to 1000 Å

Parallelism to 1 micron

No size limitation

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State-of-art dicing saws are fully programmable and equipped with microscope and video for precision alignment. We offer accurate dicing for silicon wafers up to 6″ in diameter ESD protected when required.

Depending upon the material, the dicing kerf may be as small as 1 mil and die size as small as 5 mils square. Partial cut and break services or 100% saw through on tape or other carrier are available.

Services include slotting, cutting through layered assemblies like Silicon-on-Glass, machining grooves, Sapphire and Glass.

For damaged damaged Disco and K & S wafer chuck repair service, click here.

For Precision Dicing, Do You Need a Quick Quotation?

Whether you require dicing or cutting of standard materials like Silicon and Quartz, or you need to develop dicing and cutting procedures for untried materials, Customer Service will work with you to achieve your quality and product goals.

  • Material type? Yours or ours?
  • Is a print available?
  • Are dimensions in mm or inches?
  • Starting length and width or diameter?
  • Starting quantity?
  • Finished piece, chip or die size and expected yield?
  • Tolerances and maximum allowable edge chip size?
  • Is there a pattern or metalization? Is it a step and repeat?
  • Allowed blade thickness, kerf or street width?
  • Is there a preferred mounting technique?
  • Are the surfaces protected? Do the surfaces need a protective coating?
  • Can the pieces be left mounted?
  • If it is left mounted and cleaned, what special instructions?
  • Delivery requirements?
  • Is there a budget?

Silicon wafer dicing related Web sites: SEMI Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International Wafer custom dicing Edge and angle polishing Substrate chamfering

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At present, Valley Design can process wafers up to 14″ in diameter, and we offer surface finish as low as 2-3 Angstroms.

For state-of-the-art semiconductor wafers, we believe, that if you can think it, we can do it. Try us!

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  • Double side polished wafers to TTV < 1 micro-meter
  • Flatness (bow and warp) of less than 5 micro-meters
  • Surface finish as low as 2-3 Angstroms Ra is possible
  • 100 mm diameter only 50 micro-meters thick – no problem
  • Cut, lap, etch, and polish
  • Class 10 cleanroom inspection and packaging
  • Wafer dicing up to 150 mm
  • Edge rounding
  • SOI wafer thinning and polishing

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