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Aluminum Nitride Substrate

This Laser Slag, on microelectronic substrates, needs to be removed because the loose material will cause reliability problems with fine-line microcircuitry.

VDC has developed a proprietary process for laser slag removal and edge rounding, chamfering, deburring, and blending on substrate edges, cutouts, and lasered holes. This process is adaptable to most materials including 99.6% Alumina substrates, Fused Silica, Quartz, Glass and various other hard and semi-hard substrate, windows and wafer materials.

For more information: Aluminum Nitride as-fired, lapped, or polished substrates from stock or custom made Dicing Other substrate materials

Laser Drilling

Techniques used for slag removal are:

  • Tumbling
  • Abrasive Blasting
  • Abrasive Vibratory
  • Scraping
  • Chemical Etching
  • Manual
  • Combination of several mentioned above

We have experience with all techniques mentioned and have developed new processes which eliminate damage to the substrate surface with special emphases to laser drilled holes and slots in Aluminum Nitride substrates.

Aluminum Nitride information links: Chemical analysis for Aluminum Nitride Ceramics Aluminum Nitride information Aluminum Nitride advantages AlN physical and electrical properties Polished AlN substrates Aluminum Nitride substrates

Laser Slag

This laser slag, on microelectronic substrates, needs to be removed because the loose material can cause metalization adhesion problems especially in Aluminum Nitride.

Laser slag can be and often is removed manually but it is inconsistent, and if properly done, costly. Lapping and polishing only, does not clean out slag from holes.

Our unique process allows laser slag to be removed or deslaged and sharp edges rounded on substrates and laser holes. By various techniques, more material can be removed from one side than from the other, and on substrate edges, it is possible to round one or more edges and leave other edges sharp. The degree of rounding is controllable.

This process can be used to clean slag from either or both sides of lasered parts and to chamfer square or round holes or any shapes. Each of these benefits is available without the usual risks associated with high velocity blasting techniques. This process is adaptable to most materials including 99.6% Alumina Ceramic substrates, AlN, BeO, Fused Silica, Quartz, Glass and various other hard and semi-hard materials.

Informative related Web sites: Laser Institute of America. Glass and Ceramic wafers and substrates for the electronic, optical and optoelectronic industries. Laser and Electro-Optical Manufactures Association. Substrate, wafer and die edges shaped, angled and polished to micron tolerances. Precision dicing of all materials for R&D and high volume production. Silicon and other semiconductor materials. Electro-optical materials thinned to as low as 10 microns.

Transparent Conductive Coatings

ITO or Indium Oxide that has been doped with Tin, is widely used as a transparent conductive coating because of its electrical conductivity and optical transparency. Thin films of ITO may be deposited onto various glass substrates by physical vapor deposition such as electron beam evaporation or sputtering deposition techniques. Indium Tin Oxide coatings are used for applications where high visible light transmission and electrically conductive surfaces are required. Such applications include display windows, flat panel displays, plasma displays and touch panels among others.

Typical substrate materials are:

  • Fused Silica
  • Float Glass
  • D263 Glass
  • Eagle 2000 Glass
  • Borosilicate Glass
  • BK7 Glass
  • Sapphire

Valley can also provide these optical substrate materials in standard and custom sizes ranging from 1” diameter to 450mm diameter and all ranges of thickness. Many materials are in stock . Parts may be lapped, polished, coated and CNC machined by Valley. Contact us for any ITO coatings requirements.

Return to Home Page: Custom optical thinfilm coatings available from Valley Design

Scratch Resistant Coatings

Hafnium Oxide coatings are absorption-free from 300nm to 10um, and have excellent adhesion to gold, silver and aluminum surfaces. HfO2 coatings also adhere well to glass and other oxides. Hafnia films may be deposited by electron-beam evaporation or sputtering. For applications requiring high packing density and improved homogeneity Ion Assisted Deposition (IAD) may be used.

Contact Valley Design for scratch-resistant, HfO2 coating requirements.

Return to Home Page: Custom optical thinfilm coatings available from Valley Design

Ir Mirrors

On the polished surface of the aluminum mirror, a high bond strength Gold coating (99.99% pure) is deposited to form a reflective layer. The thickness of the layer is optimized to 5000A (0.5 microns) to achieve maximum reflectance (> 98%) in the 1.5 micron region. The parts are then Ion Beam cleaned under high vacuum using Argon Ion Beam to enhance the bond strength of the coating. The process takes place in a Class 1000 clean room. Laminar flow hoods are in a Class 100 environment. Alphastep-100 profilometer thickness readings can be provided for each batch. Aluminum mirrors may also be coated with protective overlay. Unmetallized, the

Aluminum mirror will have over 85% reflectivity, but with the protective overlay, reflectivity will be over 80%.

Come to Valley Design’s world of precision: CNC Micromachining, Precision Lapping, Optical Polishing, Production Dicing, and Optical Coatings.

Return to Home Page: Custom optical thinfilm coatings available from Valley Design

Dielectric Coatings

The process used for custom thin-film dielectric coating deposition depends on the exact application and specifics on thickness, density and index of refraction. If it is desirable to have a higher packing density, such as for passivation films, Ion Assisted Deposition (IAD) can be utilized. IAD films are more robust, more scratch resistant less stressed, and so are more durable and moisture resistant. If the films are as dense as the substrate, the resulting match of the refractive indices will also improve the optical performance.

Oxides deposited include:

  • Aluminum Oxide (Al203)
  • Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
  • Magnesium Oxide
  • Titanium Dioxide (T2O2)
  • Iron Oxide
  • Niobium Oxide
  • Tantalum Oxide
  • Tungsten Oxide
  • Zirconium Oxide
  • Ruthenium Oxide

Valley also offers coatings produced by other physical vapor deposition processes including thermal evaporation, electron beam deposition and sputtering. The capability to co-deposit 2 materials simultaneously also enables the creation of exotic alloys and the ability to further customize multi-layer coatings.

Return to Home Page: Custom optical thin film coatings available from Valley Design

Anti Reflective Coatings

Anti-reflection (AR) coatings are used to improve the efficiency of an optic by increasing transmission, enhancing contrast and eliminating “ghost” images, which are reflections that travel backwards into the system. When specifying AR coating requirements, specific wavelengths within the IR, VIS and UV ranges must be designated.

  • Ranges are traditionally given as:
  • UV 100nm – 400nm
  • VIS 400nm – 750nm
  • IR 750nm – 1mm

Valley offers these AR coatings, and can also supply the substrates for coating. Substrates and wafers of all materials are available from Valley Design, many of which are in stock. From Fused Silica, Glass of all types, Ceramics such as 96% and 99.6% Alumina and Aluminum Nitride, Silicon, Sapphire and more, we can fabricate any standard or custom size and thickness. Tight tolerances and super polished surface finishes are also available.

Come to Valley Design’s World of Precision and Innovation for all your thin-film optical coating requirements.

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Optical Thin Films

Available coatings include:

  • Custom designed optical coatings from 250nm to 15 microns
  • Reflection enhancement coatings
  • Dielectric barrier coatings
  • Insulating dielectric layers on metals
  • Oxide layers
  • Transparent conductive coatings 20 ohms/square to 500 ohms/square
  • Anti reflection (AR) coatings
  • Oxidation prevention coatings
  • Scratch resistant coatings
  • Solid lubrication coatings, various types

Valley Design is a full service optical facility offering the following services:

  • 4 Axis CNC micromachining
  • Ultrasonic rotary drilling
  • Precision lapping of all types of materials
  • Optical polishing
  • Cutting, dicing, chamfering, edge polishing
  • Thin film coating

Come to Valley Design’s world of precision: CNC Micromachining , Precision Lapping , Optical Polishing , Production Dicing , and Optical Coatings.

Zns Multispectral

Now the material has good transmission in the visible and infrared (0.4 to 14 microns). It is theoretically dense, chemically inert, non-hygroscopic and easy to machine.

Applications include:

  • Thermal imaging
  • External windows for military systems
  • IR windows
  • Uses where visible alignment is an advantage


  • Lenses
  • Windows
  • Beamsplitters
  • Optical filters
  • Prisms

Related ZnS IR material Web pages: Zinc Sulfide regular grade Infrared IR optical materials Zinc Selenide ZnSe