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Laser Protection Filters

Valley Design offers 75 different types of filter glass (Schott produces only 50 filter types). Polished 50mm x 50mm filters of all types, in sample quantities, are available from stock. Custom sizes, thicknesses, surface finishes and flatnesses are also available from Valley Design.

For further information on the below listed laser protection filter glass types, click on the HEBO part number and examine the transmission data for the required applications. Choose filter glass with maximum protection and most brightness.

Valley Design Part# HEBO Filter Glass Schott Filter Glass Hoya Filter Glass
VFG-14-0530 O 530 OG530
VFG-15-0540 O 540 0-54
VFG-16-0550 O 550 OG 550
VFG-17-0565 O 565 OG 570 0-56
VFG-18-0580 O 580 OG 590 0-58
VFG-19-R600 R 600 RG 600 R-60
VFG-20-R610 R 610 RG 610
VFG-21-R630 R 630 RG 630 R-62
VFG-22-R640 R 640 RG 645 R-64
VFG-23-R670 R 650 R-66
VFG-24-R670 R 670 RG 665
VFG-25-R700 R 700 RG 695 R-70
VFG-26-R720 R 720 RG 715 R-72
VFG-38-B05 B 05 B-440
VFG-39-B09 B 09
VFG-45-B38 B 38 BG 38
VFG-46-B07 B 07 BG 7 B-480
VFG-48-B18 B 18 BG 18
VFG-50-B39 B 39 BG 39
VFG-51-B40 B 40 BG 40
VFG-72-HA02 HA 02 KG-2 HA-50
VFG-73-HA03 HA 03 KG-3 HA-30

Complete listing of 75 Hebo filter glass types.

Hoya UV Transmitting

Hoya glass filters Valley Design’s HEBO filters
UV-28 VFG – 01 – UV280 – 50x50x”t”
UV-36 VFG – 02 – UV360 – 50x50x”t”

“t” denotes thickness 2 for 2mm thick and 3 for 3mm thick.

Hoya UV-28 and Uv-36 filters HEBO UV280 and UV360 filters

Custom thicknesses, shapes and tolerances for all color filter glass:

* Thickness to 15mm * Holes and cavities
* Ultra-thin to 50 micrometers * Protection chamfer
* Geometries 2mm to 200mm * Square or round
* Odd geometries * Super-polished finish

Yellow Sharp Cut Filters

Yellow optical glass color filters

These yellow glass filters are designated as HY 01 and HY 02.

HY 01 is equivalent to Schott GG19 and Hoya –
HY 02 is equivalent to Schott GG10 and Hoya –

Yellow sharp cut filters

Yellow glass sharp cut filters cut of light wavelength shorter than specific yellow color glass while transmitting light of longer wavelength. These filter designations are Y 380, Y 400, Y 420, Y 460, Y 500, Y 510.

Y 380 is equivalent to Schott GG 375 and Hoya L – 38
Y 400 is equivalent to Schott GG 400 and Hoya L – 40
Y 420 is equivalent to Schott GG 420 and Hoya L – 42
Y 460 is equivalent to Schott GG 455 and Hoya Y – 46
Y 500 is equivalent to Schott GG 495 and Hoya Y – 50
Y 510 is equivalent to Schott GG 515 and Hoya –

Depend on Valley Design for optical filter quality and workmanship.

Schott Hoya

Color filter glass types available from Valley Design can be cross-referenced to Schott filter glass and Hoya filter glass.

Unique advantages in color filter glass supplied by Valley Design:

  • Optical glass filters from stock
  • Custom polishing of optical filter glass to super polished Angstrom level finishes
  • Precision dicing
  • Small diameter hole drilling
  • Custom shaping, machining, thinning and chamfering
  • Custom filter geometries available from 2mm to 200mm square and rounds
  • Custom thicknesses from 50µm to 15mm thick
  • All standard color filters also available

For filter glass specifications, click here.

Infrared Filter Glass

For infrared color filter glass cross-referenced to Schott and Hoya, click here.

For infrared spectrum filter glass transmission curves, click here.

Click here for all color filter glass specifications and transmission curves.

Contact Valley Design for IR infrared filters from research and development through to prototype and production stages.

Color Filter Glass

Green Filter Glass

For green color filter glass cross-referenced to Schott and Hoya, click here.

For green spectrum filter glass transmission curves, click here.

Click here for all color filter glass specifications and transmission curves.

Contact Valley Design for green filter applications from research and development through to prototype and production stages.

Color Filter Glass

UV Ultraviolet

UV transmitting , VIS absorbing optical filter glass
Ultraviolet glass filters, while absorbing visible light, transmit UV light. These ultraviolet filters are used for UV lighting applications and are designated as HU 01, HU 02 and HU 03.

HU 01 is equivalent to Schott UG11 and Hoya U-340
HU 02 is equivalent to Schott UG1 and Hoya U-360
HU 03 is equivalent to Schott UG5 and Hoya U-330

UV absorbing, VIS transmitting optical glass filters
Absorbing UV glass filter absorb the shorter wavelengths of UV, for example UV 280 has a transition wavelength of 280nm and transmit visible light. These optical filters are designated as UV 280 and UV 360.

UV 280 is equivalent to Schott WG 280 and Hoya UV-28
UV 360 is equivalent to Schott WG 360 and Hoya UV-36

On all your optical color glass filter needs, you can depend on Valley Design’s proven quality and workmanship.

Custom Optical Filters

Optical polishing custom filter glass– Precision optical polishing, specializing in ultra-thin (<25µm), ultra-flat (1/10 wave) and tight tolerances (± 0.5µm).

Precision dicing custom glass filters– Custom dicing to as small as 125µm (.005″) square and as large as 300mm (12″).

Small diameter hole drilling and core drilling– Ultrasonic rotary drilling produces precision stress-free holes and cores which are devoid of microscopic cracks or fissures in custom filter glass.

Machining, shaping and chamfering custom glass filters– Substrate and wafer shaping, chamfering, edge rounding and edge polishing.

Custom sizes– Colored glass filters in geometries from 1mm to 200mm.

Neutral Density Filters

Neutral density glass characteristics may vary with melting conditions but the filter performance can be compensated by changing the filter glass thickness.

Neutral density filter applications:

  • Exposure control in color photography
  • Calibration filters
  • Light control in various instruments

For neutral density spectrum filter glass transmission curves, click here.

For neutral density filter glass cross-referenced to Schott and Hoya, click here.

Click here for all color filter glass specifications and transmission curves.

Contact Valley Design for neutral density filter applications from research and development through to prototype and production stages.

Color Filter Glass

Heat Absorbing Rising Color

Heat absorbing optical glass filters
Heat absorbing filters are designated as HA 02 and HA 03.

HA 02 is equivalent to Schott KG 2 and Hoya HA-50
HA 03 is equivalent to Schott KG 3 and Hoya HA-30

Rising color optical glass filters
Rising color filters are designated as RC 01.

RC 01 is equivalent to Schott BG 34 and Hoya LB-120

Standard size for filters is 50mm x 50mm, 1mm, 2mm and 3mm thick. Custom manufactured to 15mm thickness and up to 200mm geometry.