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Optical Glass Properties

Index of Refraction for Sapphire

Index of refraction is also referred to as refractive index and refraction index.

No value is Ordinary ray in C-axis direction and Ne value is for Extraordinary ray perpendicular to C-axis. Birofrinqence (No-Ne) for sapphire is 0.008.

Microns No Ne
0.26520 1.83360
0.280 1.824
0.2967 1.815
0.313 1.809
0.337 1.80082 1.79206
0.3466 1.798
0.351 1.79693 1.78825
0.355 1.79598 1.78732
0.36105 1.79450
0.365 1.793
0.4046 1.785
0.43583 1.7812
0.442 1.78038 1.77206
0.458 1.77843 1.77015
0.488 1.7753 1.76711
0.515 1.77304 1.76486
0.532 1.7717 1.76355
0.5460 1.770
0.57906 1.76871
0.59 1.76804 1.75996
0.633 1.7659 1.75787
0.644 1.765
0.67 1.76433 1.75632
0.694 1.76341 1.75542
0.7065 1.763
0.755 1.76141 1.75346
0.78 1.76068 1.75274
0.8 1.76013 1.7522
0.82 1.75961 1.75168
0.85212 1.75885
0.8944 1.757
0.98 1.75607 1.74819
1.0139 1.755
1.064 1.75449 1.74663
1.12866 1.75339
1.32 1.75009 1.74227
1.52952 1.74660
1.55 1.74618 1.73838
1.6932 1.743
1.81307 1.74144
2.01 1.73748 1.72973
2.24929 1.73232 1.72432
2.703 1.719 1.711
2.94000 1.71317
2.941 1.712 1.704
3.3026 1.702
3.333 1.701 1.693
3.704 1.687 1.679
4 1.674 1.666
4.25530 1.66371
4.348 1.658 1.65
4.762 1.636 1.628
5 1.623 1.615
5.263 1.607 1.599
5.57700 1.58638